Sunday, March 22, 2009

Tropical Fish Breeding Tips You Can Use

If you’re thinking about breeding tropical fish, you need to be aware of a few things before you head out to the store to buy some fish. First of all, you have to figure out what type of tropical fish you want to breed. There are lots of types to select from, so it's important that you know what you're looking for. You need to find out as much as you can about the type of fish you plan on breeding. Every breed has specific maintenance and care requirements, and you can avoid a lot of mistakes if you have some knowledge before you start.

If you’re a beginner in fish breeding, you might wish to think about acquiring some live bearing fish. These fish produce live young rather than those that produce eggs. They will also be work for you to maintain until you become more experienced at this endeavor. If you decide to purchase live bearing fish, make sure that you breed them in a separate aquarium. Otherwise the other fish will eat the young. After the mother has given birth, you can put her back in the main tank.

One of the most essential pieces of information you should know is the best water temperature for your chosen breed. This is critical to the health and wellbeing of your fish. The size of the tank is another important factor. You might not require a large aquarium in which to breed your fish, but it must be big enough to give them lots of room to grow. They will live in this aquarium for some time before they are sufficiently developed to be transferred to the main aquarium with the rest of your fish.

Where you locate your aquarium is another important consideration to think about. Many new breeders are unsuccessful simply because their tanks were in the wrong place. It's important that you don’t place your tanks close to a window where they receive a lot of sun. This will produce an overabundance of algae. The light will also heat up the water, and it might end up too warm for your fish to survive.

You also need to make sure there's lots of foliage for your fish to hide among. It's important that you replicate their natural environment as much as you can. There are different types of plants that are best for certain breeds, so follow the guidelines.

Another thing to keep in mind is to limit the length of time that the tank lights are burning. As a rule, it should be between 8 and 12 hours daily. As well, be sure that the lighting is appropriate for the plants that are in the aquarium.

If you find that you can't give away or sell all your fish, you might have to purchase additional tanks to hold them all. At the very least, separate the males and females; otherwise you'll soon have more fish than you can handle.

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