Thursday, May 7, 2009

Set Up Your Aquarium for Feng Shui

Aquariums are not just an attractive addition to your home or office. If set up properly according to the principles of feng shui, it is considered to be a source of wealth chi (energy). The thing that makes feng shui aquariums unique is that they provide an ideal balance of the five elements of feng shui.

* The water element is obvious: it's the water in the aquarium.

* Plants comprise the wood element.

* The structural components are the metal element.

* The earth element is the gravel and rocks you place at the bottom of the tank.

* The lighting represents the fire element. Certain kinds of fish can also provide this element.

This kind of harmony is quite hard to reproduce through any other means and even if you could, it won't be as lovely as an aquarium.

The best location for a feng shui aquarium is the southeast part of the room. This is the place that is associated with abundance and wealth. That means twice as much wealth energy flows through that region.

The most usual kind of fish to keep in a feng shui aquarium is the goldfish or koi. They have a pleasing color and are quite hardy. The dragon fish is also appropriate for a feng shui aquarium; however they can be quite costly. Always be certain that at least one of your fish is black and don't have more than 10 in total in your aquarium.

Just like any other pet environment, you need to be certain that your feng shui aquarium is clean and well maintained so that it can go on bringing you positive chi.

Be sure to remove and replace any dead fish right away and help to keep the plants healthy and green. Your aquarium needs to be in top shape in order to positively impact your wealth chi.

1 comment:

  1. The Chinese have relied on Feng Shui for over 3,000 years to assure an abundance of wealth and love in their lives. Feng Shui experts believe that by creating harmony and balance in your physical environment you will attract good luck and prosperity in all areas of your life. fengshui
